
Calmera BV partners with Micro Macro Consultants based in The Hage. Micro Macro Consultants has over 30 years of experience with macro economic modeling, economic analysis and research. In addition Micro Macro Consultants has a vast network of short term experts which can be assigned to your project. Each of them bring over 10 years of experience and expertise on specific areas of economic analysis, like energy, National Accounts, Labour market, Fiscal Sector etc.

Runy Calmera and Marein van Schaaijk (Micromacro Consultants)


Through our partner Micro Macro Consultants we can use this knowledge if needed in the Caribbean. By partnering with MMC, Calmera BV has a network of experienced consultants to bring to your project. An example of our successful partnership is the project on building a macro economic model for the Sint Maarten economy.